Welcome to the website of the SADIMoD.

The acronym SADIMoD stands for Schedule for the Assessment of Drug-Induced Movement Disorders.

The SADIMoD is a compilation of a set of some well-known – and some new – rating scales to measure the severity of movement disorders that are often induced by the usage of psychotropic drugs.

In this site you will find further information on the background and structure of the SADIMoD. We will provide references of publications where you can find detailed information on the validity and reliability of the SADIMoD subscales.

You can also download PDFs of SADIMoD forms in different languages. Finally, you can find information on how to contact us.

This is the informative website for the SADIMoD, an instrument designed to measure the severity of movement disorders in users of antipsychotics. All information can be found on this site, including the necessary manual, forms and training materials. It was developed in the 1990s by Anton J.M. Loonen and the late Cees H. Doorschot because they were not satisfied with the existing assessment scales for tardive dyskinesia. The SADIMoD includes a dyskinesia subscale that can easily be used in place of the Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale in clinical trials.

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